
Zephyr Workshop
Based in Renton, Washington

Release date:
August 2nd, 2018

Tabletop Game


Regular Price:

USD$49.99 MSRP


A.E.G.I.S. - Combining Robot Strategy Game is a tactics game where players use teams of five combining robots to face off against each other in combat. There are over 100 different robots in five different Classes (Assault, Evasive, Guard, Intel, Support), and finding the right strategy and combos are the keys to victory! It's designed to be more accessible than your average tactics game, with the same huge depth of strategy. Quick to play, easy to learn and with infinite possibilities, newcomers to the strategy game scene and wargaming veterans alike love this game, and you will too! It's Pokemon meets Power Rangers meets Advance Wars!


What Makes A.E.G.I.S. Special?

A.E.G.I.S. is the world’s best combining robot tabletop game! Using themes from all your favorite giant mecha shows, it takes elements from popular tabletop wargames and streamlines them to make a game with the same depth of strategy without the high learning curve, distance measuring and long play times. Players can put together any team of five robots out of the dozens available to suit their play style and go right into combat!

The Five Classes:

There are 5 Classes of robot in A.E.G.I.S.:
A - Assault: Get up close and personal to melee your opponents.
E - Evasive: Cover long distances, dodge incoming attacks and attack multiple enemies.
G - Guard: Withstand all manner of attacks, protect allies and return fire with heavy weaponry.
I - Intel: Counter opponents’ strategies and stop them in their tracks.
S - Support: Assist the rest of the team with repairs, boosts and long-range weapons.
Each Class has its own way of playing and interacting with other bots, and you can make a team out of any five of them for an infinite amount of possible strategies!

Team Building:

Choose your team of robots wisely! Go big with as many combines as possible or build teams to take advantage of energy production (how robots move and use actions). Each class brings unique strengths to the team, so mixing and matching classes is key to executing your strategy. If you enjoy "all-in" teams, choose robots of one class. Like to get up close and personal? Build a team of all A-types to smash your opponents into pieces! A team of one class of robot is as viable as a team of all five. Choose what best suits your playstyle!


Your smaller robots are strong by themselves, but they are most powerful when they combine into bigger robots! You can merge two or more of your robots together mid-battle to change up your strategy and gain greater power. With the right team you can even combine all five together into one!


  • 100+ different Robots in the box!
  • Team building with 5 different classes allows for endless Team Combinations.
  • Robots can combine into larger more powerful robots, straight from your favorite anime and Sentai series.
  • 4 player can play with one box! Tons of content at an affordable price.
  • Multiple game modes: Player Elimination, Free for All, Team Matches, Point Control, Combine Rondo, and Machine Chess


AEGIS - Combining Robot Strategy Game Trailer YouTube

Unfiltered Gamer Review - A.E.G.I.S. by Zephyr Workshop YouTube

A.E.G.I.S. Review with Raine YouTube


download all screenshots & photos as .zip (21MB)


Awards & Recognition

  • ""Category Runner Up "" MassDiGi Game Challenge 2013

Selected Articles

  • "AEGIS IS A PERFECT EXECUTION OF A TACTICAL TABLETOP GAME. Even without the combining robot action, the different types of units, their unique abilities, and the way the flow of the game moves is all deep, rewarding, and entirely awesome. AND THEN THE ROBOTS COMBINE! They pass gameplay elements on to their next iteration, and it feels even more amazing and badass then you might expect. AEGIS is one of those games you know you could play hundreds of times and not see everything the game has to offer. It’s certainly one of the most fun games I’ve played, and I cannot wait to play more of it."
    - Christopher Badell, Creator, Sentinels of the Multiverse,
  • "Combat in AEGIS is easy to learn and based on a simple energy allocation system, but its tactics are rich and difficult to master, just as any good combat strategy game should be. [...] All in all, I really enjoyed AEGIS for what it is; a great, strategic, little, robot combat game with a cool anime, combining-bot feel."
    - Carmen Bellaire, Designer, Robotech RPG Tactics on May 17, 2016, http://zephyrworkshop.com
  • "AEGIS is a fun, quick-playing game that requires little set-up and can be customized for complexity as needed."
    - Brandon Bobal, TechRaptr on March 16, 2016, http://techraptor.net
  • "The bright artwork and robot combining mechanism both do a great job of evoking the theme of the game. There is tons of variety, with 100 different unique robots that play and feel very differently""
    - Eric Buscemi Cardboard Hoard,
  • "I like the myriad of ways you can combine the bots (maybe you don’t take one of everything in order to double or triple up on a particular bot class), and I like that you can play the game as casually as you desire. Plus the small box is appealing, I’m not gonna lie. I don’t have a lot of free shelf space these days."
    - Adam Factor Sprites and Dice, https://www.spritesanddice.com/2018/04/last-chance-picks-pax
  • "Looking to offer a unique wargaming experience without the hassel of lugging around miniatures or putting up giant 4x4 tables."
    - Raine, Initiative Tabletop, https://initiativetabletop.com/2016/09/12/video-review-a-e-g-i-s/
  • "Every action you take, from moving, combining, attacking, and certain special abilities, uses energy. This, combined with a simple, dice-based combat system, makes for an easy-to-learn, fast-paced game. The closest thing I can compare this to is the Monsterpocalypse Voltron Game, though A.E.G.I.S. is a lot easier to get into."
    - Posted by Robert C Kalajian Jr on June 16, 2015, http://purplepawn.com

A.E.G.I.S Rulebook
The AEGIS Rulebook! Rules are complete, but still needs some diagrams. zephyrworkshop.com.

Zephyr Workshop Homepage
Information on the game, conventions we’ve been too, the team, blog posts, and anything else AEGIS zephyrworkshop.com.

Zephyr Workshop Twitter
Our Twitter where we post recent updates twitter.com.

Zephyr Workshop Facebook
Our Facebook page where we post blogs, events facebook.com.

Zephyr Workshop Twitch
Gameplay/art streams every Monday at 8PM EST twitch.tv.

About Zephyr Workshop

Zephyr Workshop is a game development company based in Renton, Washington founded by entrepreneurs who create strategy tabletop and digital games around genres we love. We work hard to bring you the best experiences, in fully realized and unique worlds and themes. We break the mold of “traditional” game genres by creating affordable, deeply strategic games, with fully realized worlds and characters after our favorite themes and hobbies.

More information
More information on Zephyr Workshop, our logo & relevant media are available here.

A.E.G.I.S. - Combining Robot Strategy Game Credits

Breeze Grigas
Lead Designer and Artist

Sarah Como

Jesse Clark
Lead Developer

Ryan Richford
Designer, Boulder

Zach Kettell
Developer, Web Manager, Content Designer

Michael Epstein

Maung Thuta

Daniel Olsen

Emily Hancock

Kenny Howell
Graphic Design

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks